Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Puppetz R Us

As part of our course Billie, Jake, Katy and I are currently reseraching finger puppetry. I can't believe some people actually choose to work for a living...


Star is going to be a real life Social Worker!

And sadness...

She also broke our fridge.

Note the remorseless smirk.

Hoot for peace.

Ross and I had a great time in Brizzle. This is just but one very, very good reason why.

Who wouldn't want to live in our house?

We* found a guide on the internet for how to smile well in photographs. Brilliant.


Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Oh. My. Days.

It's finally here.

So it's roast beef, right...

...but it's wrapped in yorkshire pudding.
